
Genevieve House

Sr. Mary Genevieve King, ASC was born on December 21, 1912 and professed her vows as a member of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ on July 2, 1931. Sr. Genevieve served St. Pius X High School for 21 years as a business teacher and a bookkeeper. After serving the People of God and the Adorers of the Blood of Christ for 66 years, Sr. Genevieve entered Eternal Life on April 19, 1997 at the age of 85.

Sr. Genevieve is most remembered as a woman of great gentleness and humility. Always the teacher, Sister continued to teach long after leaving the classroom by assisting several sisters earn advanced degrees. As her friend Sr. Aloysia recalled “I found Sr. Genevieve to be a very quiet, gentle, and patient person and that her attention to detail was done with exactness, but never in a manner that made you feel that you could not do a job as well as she did.” In her later years Sr. Genevieve took great care to keep in touch with those in her order’s Motherhouse, even visiting the sick though confined to a wheelchair herself. Though Sr. Genevieve went through much suffering in her final years, she never complained once. So dedicated to her vocation was Sr. Genevieve that she took her turn working the switchboard at the Motherhouse on the day she died.

Sr. Genevieve was a real life saint who leaves an example of selfless service and devotion. For her lifetime of service to the Church and for her many years at St. Pius X, Sr. Genevieve is memorialized as the namesake of one of the four houses at St. Pius X.

Genevieve House Pamphlet

Genevieve House Blazonry
Quarterly, argent pierced Heart gules;
Purpure fleur de lis Or.

Genevieve House Coat of Arms Description:
Sr. Genevieve was a long time business manager who also taught business and accounting. She was a pioneer in both fields both as a woman and a sister. She is best remembered for her kindness and loving heart. Sr. Genevieve was a member of the religious order Adorers of the Blood of Christ, who served the school for over three decades. Genevieve House also celebrates the trailblazer spirit of the French who settled the area our school serves. Genevieve House represents justice, charity towards neighbor, and a spirit of adventure. The coat of arms is a shield that is divided quarterly. The shield’s quadrants are an argent field (white, symbolizing sincerity) on which is blazoned a “pierced Heart gules” or a red pierced Sacred Heart and a purpure (purple, symbolizing justice) field emblazoned with a “fleure de lis Or” or gold fleur de lis. The pierced mSacred Heart represents the Adorers of the Blood of Christ and the fleur de lis represents perfection, light, and life, as well as the French heritage of our region.