

Why are the people of St. Pius X High School so passionate about our school? See these comments from alumni, parents and current students.

"I believe in St. Pius X High School and am very proud to be a graduate. St. Pius has provided an excellent academic experience in a faith-based environment for me, my siblings and my daughter. My four years were a joy and a challenge that brought me closer to God and made me appreciate the great gift of Catholic education."  - Pam LaPlant, '75/past parent

"The statement "extraordinary concern is ordinary" is what St. Pius stands for. The St. Pius community is always there to support one another in even the hardest times and it is during those times that we as a community learn to be strong. At St. Pius every day you strive to become a better person, open your mind to an education and learn religious and life values. All of which are essential to ensure the development of a successful individual." - Brittany Copeland, '11

"We have been very pleased with St. Pius X. I feel the school is academically challenging and is giving our children a sound and strong foundation for college. One of my favorite things to share about St. Pius is the kindness shared by its students and staff. It has a "family feel. St. Pius has been everything we had ever hoped for in a high school experience for our children. The exposure to other schools and programs while in Michigan provides us a sound basis to assess and compliment the tremendous opportunity St. Pius offers to all that come through their doors." - Bret & Debra Klahs, current parents

"I chose to attend St. Pius X High School because of the family and friendly atmosphere. St. Pius students were so welcoming and sweet which ensured me that this was the right choice of high school for me. The teachers at St. Pius X were very understanding and also disciplined which made learning interesting and enjoyable. I am very happy with my choice of St. Pius X High School." - Avery Frimml, '20

Archived comments about the St. Pius X High School experience are available here.